Viva celebrates International Earth Day with new campaign to promote veganism

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Animal rights campaign group Viva has chosen International Earth Day, to relaunch its campaign ‘Vegan Now.

The campaign, which was originally launched in 2019, encourages consumers to ditch meat fish and dairy and begins with a week of action starting on April 26th.

It then continues with a series of events and mini campaigns in the run up to the GOP26 climate change conference in Glasgow in November. ’

The group argues that “Going vegan is the SINGLE biggest action an individual can take to combat climate change – switching beef for beans can literally save our planet.”

Key events include;

 26 April – 2 May Week of Action: During this week Viva! will focus all of their social media on raising awareness of the detrimental impact animal agriculture is having on our planet.

 19 July – 1 August Viva! La Burger Tour: This will visit 5 UK cities offering free vegan burgers to the public showcasing how meat alternatives are so much better for the planet, and delicious!

 1 -12 November COP26: Viva! will join thousands of other campaigners at this momentous event in Glasgow, asking world leaders to go vegan and promote a plant-based economy. Stay tuned for marches, banner drops and eye-catching events.

Speaking about Vegan Now, Will Sorflaten Viva! campaigner said:

“There has never been a more important time to talk about animal agriculture and the devastating impact it is having our health and our planet. Going vegan is the SINGLE biggest action an individual can take to combat climate change. Vegan Now is a campaign designed to inform, inspire and empower people. Our aim is to make going vegan as easy and delicious as possible. It’s time to go vegan, now!”


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