Can the publishing industry/media have an impact on climate change?

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The fourth episode of the FIPP Insider Podcast focuses on the challenges around sustainability that print publishers and digital-only companies face today. Some obvious changes include a move to recyclable paper and packaging but sustainable action needs to go much further than this to have any real impact on slowing down climate change. 

FIPP, in collaboration with UPM Communication Papers, recently delivered a report on climate change. We talked to five industry leaders on the podcast, to address many of the topics discussed in that publication.

First up is Edie Lush, writer, broadcaster and editor/ presenter of the Global Goalscast podcast, as well as an authority on sustainability issues. Edie underlines the importance of less talk, more action from companies in the face of COVID-19. Experiencing this human and economic crisis of a lifetime must be the motivation to continue rebuilding an economy that respects and privileges a green economy.

John Wilpers, author of the annual “Innovation in Media World Report,” has extensively studied and considered how media companies should respond to sustainability questions. In the episode he shares three benefits of digital and print based companies adopting a more sustainable approach. One of these is improved customer relations, with a recent Nielsen study showing that 81% of people surveyed think companies must be accountable in regards to environmental issues.

Tom Reynolds is the Production Director of TI Media, a company that has put sustainability at the centre of its agenda. Here he outlines his company’s strategy for both print and digital titles.

Henrik Thøgersen of Adundas Medier, is a Danish based consultant who is the go-to for publishing companies wanting to be more sustainable. Henrik presents two innovative print companies in Denmark and Norway that are adopting more climate friendly ways of working.

Stefanie Eichiner, Manager Sustainability at UPM Communication Papers, worked with FIPP on their recent report on climate change. She underlines the importance of companies measuring their environmental impact and using this knowledge for concrete action that will make a real change. Stefanie also talks about the three ways in which UPM is behaving in a more sustainable way.


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